Intangibles of CSR in the Tourist Sector
Zahaira F. González Romo

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can affect positively the final profitability of the company and generally has relation with a vision of the business on a long-term basis and in which they take in account value like the ethical, the transparency and the responsibility to the society. This affects of equal form to the conventional company as to the tourist. Having these appearances like starting point this investigation is divided in two big blocks, the first centres in a compilation of the information in base to personal interviews to depth with representatives of the trade, the hospitality industry, the restoration, in addition to the area of cultural services with the intention to identify actions of CSR generated by the companies. The second part of the investigation centred in the analysis and detection of the different intangibles in the tourist and commercial sector identified by the tourists and visitors, for this used a qualitative method through the utilisation of focal groups.

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