Percepciones contrastadasen un mismo Destino Turístico: Visitantesy anfitriones. Barrancas del Cobre, México
Dr. Manuel Ramón González Herrera, Lic. Esmeralda Sánchez Rubio

The sustainable tourism development must incorporate the views of residents at the destination and visitors. The research objective is to study the contrasting perceptions of tourism development in Copper Canyon, according to the opinions of hosts and visitors, in order to assess the satisfaction and perceived sustainability regarding territorial tourism model implemented. A qualitative and applied research is developed, by means of a deductive explanatory approach with purposeful character. The assessment of the perception of the local community was carried out by a study based on the application of surveys; and the analysis of the perception of visitors was based on online opinion reported in different websites. It concludes with the identification of incompatibilities, which reflect lack of convergence between the perceptions of the local community, visitors and the receiving environment; so, it will be necessary to develop strategies to ensure the convergence of interests and expectations.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jthm.v5n1a12