Issues Affecting Omanization of the Hotel Sector
Masooma Al-Balushi, PhD

The Government of the Sultanate of Oman focuses on two main areas: To diversify the country’s economy away from its reliance on oil, and to focus on the Omanization plan which aims not only to ensure jobs for citizens but also to reduce dependence on expatriates in search of self-dependence in human resources. The economic benefits generated by tourism have encouraged the Government of the Sultanate of Oman to consider it as a sector of strategic importance. Tourism development has been given special attention by the Sultanate of Oman’s government aspiring that the industry would assist in executing the Omanization plan, create direct job opportunities as well as to boost the economy. The study tried to unveil the issues that affect Omanization of the hotel sector. The following issues were found to have a serious impact on Omanization of the sector: Turnover and retention, continuity and job security, working conditions, education and training, skills gaps and shortage, social attitudes (socio-cultural issues), and image of hospitality career. Based on the study, recommendations and courses of actions were offered to the Government, Industry, and Educational institutions.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jthm.v6n2a14