Possibilities of Using Fuel Cells for Energy Generation in Greek Hotels
John Vourdoubas

Hotel buildings consume large amounts of energy covering their heat, cooling and electricity requirements. Fuel cells are very efficient energy systems co-generating heat and electricity. Their use in the hotel industry is so far limited. The possibility of using fuel cells in Greek hotels is investigated. A preliminary estimation was made of the capacity of a stationary fuel cell generating heat and electricity in a medium-size Greek hotel with 200 beds operating throughout the year. It was found that the capacity of a MCFC providing all the annual required electricity and the largest part of the required heat in the hotel is 80 KW. Its cost is estimated at 240,000 € while its annual carbon emissions due to its operation are estimated at 56.1 kgCO2 per m2 of the hotel’s covered surface. Fuel cells have advantages and drawbacks compared with solar energy systems which are currently used in Greek hotels for heat and power generation. They can play an important role in the future, as sustainable distributed generation systems, in the Greek tourism industry. Promotion of their use requires governmental support regarding legal and financial issues, particularly in subsidizing their capital cost which is currently high compared with other energy systems.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jthm.v8n1a5