Tourism Mobility in Ecotourism Cities: A Case Study of Low Urban Density
Dr. Ali Saeed Bokhari

Tourism is one of the main functions of a city due to its important economic and social role. The growth of tourism is the result of increasing prosperity and improved local economies, among other things. The quality and attractiveness of a city‘s transport system often determines its competitiveness and thus its development. On the one hand, intensive tourism is a favorable phenomenon associated with the activation of the local economy; on the other hand, it can interfere with the functioning of the city. A high volume of tourist traffic can also result in the degradation of the tourist values of environmentalism and culture, thereby reducing the attractiveness of the destination to tourists in the long term. Implementing a public transport system policy in a low urban density area to deal with tourist travel can be challenging due to costs. A better understanding of tourist mobility and their preferences becomes increasingly critical for the competitiveness of destinations. For this purpose, the main objective of this research is to explore tourists‘ perceptions of using different transport modes, including cars, public transport, and tourist coaches in an ecotourist city with low urban density. A questionnaire survey was implemented to collect the primary data for this study. Through a modelling exercise, our findings highlight that the scattered nature of this type of urban structure plays a critical role in determining the likely modes of transport for tourists.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jthm.v8n2a1