Sustainable Tourism in Serangan Village Bali, Indonesia
I Gede Putra Nugraha, Made Antara, Made Budiarsa, Syamsul Alam Paturusi

Serangan Village as a potential area is a representation of Denpasar City Government's policy on environmental conservation, history, and cultural values, the interests of the world of education, and the interests of cultural tourism full of attractions. The purpose of this study is to identify the role of government in the development of sustainable tourism in the Serangan Village, Denpasar, the role of the community in developing sustainable tourism in the Serangan Village, the role of social capital in the development of sustainable tourism in the Serangan Village, and analyze the influence of the role of the government, community participation, and social capital towards destination quality and sustainable tourism development in the Serangan Village. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative with partial least square (PLS). The results of this study are the role of government does not significantly influence the quality of destination in the village of Serangan. While community participation and social capital have a positive and significant effect on the destination quality in the Serangan Village. The role of government has a significant effect on sustainable tourism development, while community participation and social capital have no significant effect on sustainable tourism development in the Serangan Village. Destination quality has a positive and significant effect on sustainable tourism development. The quality of the destination does not mediate the effect of the role of government on sustainable tourism development in the Serangan Village. Destination quality mediates the effect of community participation on sustainable tourism development. Destination quality significantly mediates the effect of social capital on sustainable tourism development.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jthm.v8n2a7